Category Archives: tarkvara

Live football statistics and betting

Recently my friend started to betting on football. I said to him that it could be dangerous. You know rookies usually loosing their money there fast – very fast. Simple reason why they are loosing their money is that they do not know the right tactics and tools for that.

But he succeed. How?

He told me that firstly he started to join in different football forums. He learned from the best and even asked stupid questions in these forums. The folks in these forums are very friendly and keen to help rookies out. So first bets and tactics and tools came from suggestions and the source was forums.

So it seemed so beginner luck of type happiness. I waited more and said that to him that one day he will loose and will be broke anyways.

But he won again!

So my interest is raisin and I started to dig into it. Firstly he suggested that I have to dig into history. How my favourite teams have played, what are their cons and pros etc.

Tool for that he suggested is: Live football scores –

There I did my researches and tried some bets in

And I won. Wow it seems so easy just that one tool and boom bet and win.

Ok it could be beginners luck but so far so good!

Happy betting 🙂

What is the e-estonia solution?

E-estonia solution. Who hasn’t heard of it? Estonians are very used to hearing about it, because they are considered a nation of highly developed IT solutions. Today, I will be introducing to you the e-estonia solution. One company, named Net Group has specialized in creating those various solutions that contribute to the overall e-estonia solution. Their competences lie in e-education, e-governance and e-business.

The education part is mostly about how to create efficient systems for the education. Technology is becoming more and more important on the educational landscape and therefore it is important to develop that field. Net Group has worked together with the Estonian Ministry of Education to create a solution for them that will help to move toward a digital education system. This is called the e-schoolbag. This system helps the users find the necessary materials in all over the portal – everything is now in one place. This makes the education system simpler, easier and efficient for the students.

There is also e-governance that is included in the overall e-estonia solution. Right now the systems in use are mostly related to court proceedings. For example Estonia now uses the Estonian court information system and courtal e-court solution. Both are developed together with Net Group and Estonian Ministry of Justice.

Overall what helps the country to become more e-oriented by moving the registers online, using the eID system and more. All of this has made the communications between the government and citizens easier and efficient. And don’t let yourself to be fooled, there are many more improvements to come since the technology sector is constantly improving.

E-solutions for countries are becoming increasingly popular. Net Group for example has worked together with Iraq, Azerbaijan and other Baltic states as well. These solutions seem to be the future of countries and their governments.

Office 365

Kas oled juba kuulnud uuest suurepärasest pilveteenusest nimega Office 365 Eesti? Kui ei, siis oled sattunud õigesse kohta. Nimelt, mida see teenus endas sisaldab on suur ja lai ning igale ärile vajalik. Office 365 Eesti paketist leiad kõikvõimalikke info haldusega seotud pilveteenuseid ning sulle juba tuttavaid office rakendusi nagu Access, Onenote, Outlook, Excel, Word ja Powerpoint. Kõike seda saad kasutada näiteks e-kirjade kirjutamiseks ning saatmiseks, kontaktide ning kalendris olevate tegevuste vaatamiseks, erinevat tüüpi info haldamiseks ning jagamiseks jne. Office 365 eesti sisaldab endas ka Onenote rakendust, mullega saad hallata oma isiklikke dokumente ning neid üle erinevate seadete sünkroniseerida. Office 354 eesti pilveteenusest ei ole ka puutu kõigile tuttav Skype rakendus, mis on hea abimees konverentside ja videokõnede pidamiseks ning lühisõnumite või väiksemate failide kiireks saatmiseks. Lisaks saate kaasa ka Power BI, mis on ideaalne lahendus aruannete vaatamiseks ning ärianalüüsiks.

Office 365 eesti teenus on turvaline ning sinu andmed on kindlas kohas kenasti hoitud. Sellel hoiavad silma peal erinevad audiitorid, kes kontrollivad turvasüsteemide töös olekut ning toimimist. Kui soovid allalaetavate dokumentide krüpteerimist, kasutusaja piiramist, meilide kontrollimist, et tundlik info valedesse kätesse ei satuks ning süsteemi haldajate tegevuse kontrollimist, siis saad endale soetada office 365 Enterprise teenuse.

Meie teenus on kergelt kasutatav ka erinevates seadmetes. Office 365 eesti teenust saad kergelt ning kirielt kasutada ka mobiiliseadmetest, et olla kõigega kursis ja kontorist väljas olles. Teenust saab paigaldada kuni viie töötaja seadmele. Lisaks on võimalik dokumente hallata ning redigeerida ka veebibrauseris ning on ka võimalus valida endale sobiv keel.

Lisaks võimaldab meie pilveteenus kiiret ja mugavat koostööd kolleegide ning partneritega ükskõik kus ning ükskõik millal. Office 365 eesti teenus on ideaalne dokumentide kallal koos töötamiseks, info jagamiseks ning grupitööde tegemiseks. Üksteisega ühenduse pidamiseks on võimalik korraldada videokonverentse ning videokõnesid läbi Skype rakenduse. Erinevate harukontorite vaheline tööprotsess on meie veebirakendustega palju mugavam.