Category Archives: Määratlemata

How to get real estate leads?

When it comes to growing your real estate business, it’s hard to beat the importance of leads. The problem is that they’re tricky to get, even if you’re using the best methods available. Fortunately, with this article, you’ll learn how to get real estate leads quickly and efficiently, so you can focus on closing deals and not chasing after people who don’t want to hear from you right now.

Connect with people in your network

An easy way to get real estate leads is to use your personal and professional networks. Reach out to family, friends, business contacts, and others you may know who live in or near a market you’re targeting. Ask if they know anyone who might be interested in selling or buying a property. Remember that they don’t have to be an A-list contact, just somebody with a pulse. Asking for introductions makes them feel good about themselves too. And remember – reach out early on in your marketing process to learn about their needs and help position yourself as a solution. It costs nothing to ask someone if they know of any properties coming up for sale soon. You can also use social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to connect with people. Every social platform has its nuances, so make sure you check out our guide on leveraging those channels effectively.

Find out what type of home they want to buy or sell.

The first step in getting real estate leads is to figure out what type of home they want to buy or sell. Do they have a preference? For example, are they looking for a new home, or do they want a place that’s already been built? Are there any particular features that stand out for them, such as an extra room for their kids or high ceilings in certain rooms? Having answers to these questions will make it easier for you to tailor your marketing and show properties that might interest them.

Contact them with helpful information.

When people want to buy or sell a home, they usually wish to information. So make it your goal as a realtor or property manager to be in front of them with helpful information about their situation. Use social media, newsletters and email campaigns, and direct mail campaigns to stay top-of-mind with your target market.

Meet them at an open house

When you meet a potential customer at an open house, you’re able to have a conversation about what it is they need and hear what their needs are. You’ll be able to tell right away if they’re serious buyers or if they want general information. When you know exactly who your target audience is, it makes marketing more accessible and helps grow your business in a more organized way.

Get their contact details

Before you start, it’s good to have all of your leads’ contact details at hand. You need their phone numbers, email addresses, and whatever else they’re comfortable giving you so that you can quickly contact them when they respond. While you may already have some of these in your database or on a business card, it never hurts to go through your records again.

Suggest an informational call for a better understanding of the market.

Getting real estate leads is an intelligent strategy for maximizing your chances of closing a deal. By suggesting an informational call, you can better insight into your prospect’s needs and preferences and ensure you’re pitching them solutions that will help them achieve their goals. You can also identify any potential hurdles early on—and work to address them before going in with a proposal.

Refer customers to other realtors if your services are not required

Direct  customers  to someone  else in your industry if you can’t provide a service for them. For example, if you’re a lawyer and someone asks for legal representation, but you can’t take on their case, recommend another legal professional in your area. Many professionals offer referral services to earn money by directing clients to other businesses. You may also be able to refer prospective clients outside of your specialty or pass along their information so they can find what they need themselves.


You need a good list of contacts to be able to generate leads. A practical list should meet specific criteria, including geographic proximity and similar demographic profiles. Once you’ve created a targeted contact database, begin searching for prospective clients by reaching out via phone or email with information about new properties that have come on the market that might appeal to them. Keep in mind that many people are hesitant to provide contact information when dealing with agents they don’t know well. The best approach is usually a personal one—do your research on local neighborhood demographics so you can reach out based on your prospect’s interests rather than what might seem like an empty offer.

Led valgustid

Tänapäeval on üsna standard valida koju valgusiteks led valgustid. Samas led valgustide valikul on päris palju nüansse, mida silmas pidada. Eriti muutub asi keeruliseks, kui ostu sooritada läbi mõne e-poe.

Kuidas siis valida led valgusteid ja mida selle juures tuleks silmas pidada?

Palju rolli mängib koht kuhu valgusti pannakse. Kas see on suur tuba, väike tuba, panipaik või hoopis kelder. Sellest lähtuvalt tuleks arvestada seda, kui palju päikesevalgust sinna tuppa pääseb. Mida rohkem tavavalgust toas on seda vähem võimsamat lampi vaja on. Samuti, mis tegevusi seal toas tehakse, kas loetakse või tehakse käsitööd. Või on see pigem panipaik ja vähem kasutatavam tuba. See määrab ära, kas valgus peaks olema külm või soe. Soe valgus on mõistlik siis kui te selles toas millegagi tegelete, külm valgus oleks sobilik ruumidesse, kus inimesed väga tiht ei viibi.

Valguse sooja või külma tooni eristatakse värvusena. Tavapärane valgustemperatuur eluruumides (laua- ja põrandavalgustid) on 2700 K, mis tundub suhteliselt kollase ehk soojana. Köögi töötasapindu, vannitoa peeglit jms võiks valgustada veidi valgema valgusallikaga (3500–4000 K), sest tänu sellele eristub rohkem toone ja detaile on paremini näha. Kontorite üldvalgustus on reeglina 4000–6500 K.

Valguse tugevuse jaoks vaadake luumenite numbreid mitte watte. Luumen (lm) on siis konkreetne valguse ereduse määraja.

Kui aga ikkagi ei ole selge, milline oleks see õige lahendus teatud ruumi – konsulteerige kindlasti ka müüjaga, kes saavad teid viimse detailiga kurssi vajadusel viia!